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Cinematronic by Michael Snyder
  He Loves Me ... He Loves Me Not cinematronic

Laetitia Colombani


Audrey Tautou, Samuel Le Bihan, Isabelle Carré, Sophie Guillemin, Clément Sibony, Nathalie Krebs



rating rating cinematronic
  The concept of two sides to every relationship is given an unexpected and invigorating spin in "He Loves Me ... He Loves Me Not," a French psychological drama that casts Audrey Tautou, the cutie-pie ingenue of "Amélie" fame, in a different light. And that light is not always so flattering in this vibrantly colorful film, an impressive first feature from writer/director Laetitia Colombani. Tautou plays Angélique, an adorable (what else?), promising young artist, but any expectations of her character based on her darling demeanor may be premature. Angélique is so consumed with her love for handsome married physician Loïc (Samuel Le Bihan) that her fixation on him begins to undermine her career prospects by jeopardizing a major art scholarship that she's just received. As for the doctor of Angélique 's dreams and the state of his marriage, Loïc 's perspective is what turns "He Loves Me ...." into an inventive, sometimes chilling take on romantic entanglement and obsession. Colombani skillfully allows us to see the same events, as experienced differently by Angélique and Loïc. It's safe to say that the old dictum, "Love hurts," is reinforced.  


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