Sunday, February 16, 2025 
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Cinematronic by Michael Snyder
  Love In The Time of Money cinematronic

Peter Mattei


Steve Buscemi, Rosario Dawson, Vera Farmiga, Malcolm Gets, Adrian Grenier, Jill Hennessy, Michael Imperioli, Carol Kane, Domenick Lombardozzi



rating rating cinematronic
  Updating the romantic round-robin "La Ronde" to the go-go '90s in New York, "Love in the Time of Money" is, paradoxically, a bargain-basement production shot on digital video. It benefits from a choice selection of actors in the most significant roles, but it's on the dullish, visually static side, which doesn't bode well for a film about the pursuit of love and sex. The biggest sin here is that "Love in the Time of Money" isn't very graphic, despite its topic. The action plays out in a series of segments that follow a chain of relationships, starting with a prostitute (Vera Farmiga) who has a liaison with a contractor (Domenick Lombardozzi) who hooks up with a beautiful, upscale client (Jill Hennessy) who's being ignored by her husband (Malcolm Gets) who's having homosexual feelings for an artist (Steve Buscemi) who wants to get busy with a gallery receptionist (Rosario Dawson) and so forth. The dialogue is less than sparkling, which puts a movie that relies on conversation at a disadvantage. Blame director Peter Mattei — he also wrote the screenplay. With Michael Imperioli, Carol Kane and Adrian Grenier.  


I'm Not There / Love In The Time Of Cholera / Gone Baby Gone / Delirious / 2 Days In Paris /


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