Monday, March 10, 2025 
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Cinematronic by Michael Snyder
  Welcome To Collinwood cinematronic

Anthony & Joe Russo


Luis Guzman, Michael Jeter, Patricia Clarkson, Andrew Davoli, Isaiah Washington, William H. Macy, Sam Rockwell, Gabrielle Union, Jennifer Esposito, George Clooney



rating rating cinematronic
  Beating the odds, co-directing brothers Anthony and Joe Russo remade the beloved 1955 Italian caper comedy "Big Deal on Madonna Street" as "Welcome to Collinwood" — and didn't embarrass themselves. Instead, they paid homage to the original with an amusing, American trash-culture slant on the story. If you haven't seen "Big Deal..." or even if you have, "Welcome to Collinwood" is a stand-out ensemble enterprise with a choice selection of actors — Luis Guzman, Michael Jeter, Patricia Clarkson, Andrew Davoli, Isaiah Washington, William H. Macy, Sam Rockwell and co-producer(!) George Clooney — as a rag-tag bunch from a run-down Cleveland neighborhood. These low-lifers are all looking for a big score. Lo and behold, one of them who's doing time hears a fellow prisoner talk about a hidden cache of valuables. A scheme is concocted to acquire the loot, but too many inept, double-dealing thieves could undermine the best-laid plan. With Gabrielle Union and Jennifer Esposito adding their femininity to the proceedings as working-class objets d'amour.  


I'm Not There / Love In The Time Of Cholera / Gone Baby Gone / Delirious / 2 Days In Paris /


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