Sunday, February 16, 2025 
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Cinematronic by Michael Snyder
  The Man From Elysian Fields cinematronic

George Hickenlooper


Andy Garcia, Julianna Margulies, Olivia Williams, Mick Jagger, James Coburn, Angelica Huston



rating rating cinematronic
  Mick Jagger returns to film acting in "The Man From Elysian Fields" — a step up from most of his previous movie choices, such as the sci-fi dud "Freejack." Actually, the aging rock idol has a supporting part here, and does a superb job of embodying Luther Fox, the jaded, mysterious head of a male escort service. In this sophisticated, cautionary drama about ambition and frailty, Fox offers a gigolo position to financially strapped, failed novelist Byron Tiller, sensitively played, flaws and all, by Andy Garcia. Despite the handsome Tiller's supportive relationship with his lovely wife (Julianna Margulies), his money woes have made him desperate enough to accept Fox's overture. Tiller's discomfort is lessened by the beauty and youth of his primary client, Andrea (Olivia Williams), and the fact that she's married to an elderly, ailing, award-winning author (James Coburn) who may be able to salvage Tiller's writing career. Working with an intelligent script, the cast, which also features elegant Angelica Huston as Fox's favorite client, is uniformly excellent.  


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