Sunday, February 16, 2025 
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Cinematronic by Michael Snyder
  Behind Enemy Lines cinematronic

John Moore


Gene Hackman, Owen Wilson



rating rating cinematronic
  Call it good timing. As U.S. planes fly missions over Afghanistan, an American war movie — one dealing with the country's post-Vietnam status as international cop in a new world order — hits theaters. It's an energetic update of those downed-fighter-pilot-trying-to-get-home flicks, set in the combat-ravaged Balkans with Gene Hackman as Admiral Reigart, an aging, gruff, but honorable naval officer, and Owen Wilson taking on the role of Lt. Chris Burnett, a brash, talented young aviator. Peeved at Burnett's expressed desire to leave the navy, Reigart chastises him by sending him and a pilot on a Christmas Eve recon mission over Bosnia during an uneasy cease-fire. When the plane is shot down, NATO command orders a contrite Reigart to leave Burnett and the pilot on their own. The computer-animated air action is vid-game frenzy; the situations are stale; it all tumbles into an improbable climax. But old pro Hackman, ebullient Wilson and the downright vigor of it all earn mild commendation.  


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