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Friday, December 5, 2003
++ Early Reflections on MUTEK México
++ As any musician can tell you, going on tour gives you a skewed
perspective on place. Counterculture types like to make fun of
traveling salesmen for their disconnectedness to the world around
them. But once you swap out the accoutrements The Wire
magazine instead of John Grisham, a funky-smelling sweatshirt instead
of the rumpled suit, a bottle of smuggled pills in place of the
hip-flask of Jack Daniels their paths begin to look much the
same, and their perspective of the world is filtered, for better or
worse, through the windows of planes, buses, and taxis. You can add
writers to the musicians' camp (although in my case, my sweatshirt
doesn't smell so bad, and my pills are limited to Sudafed, in the
vain hope of sparing my hotel roommates my snoring).
I'm traveling across Mexico with a delegation of artists from
Montreal's MUTEK festival as they play a series of dates in three
cities here. Yesterday we left Mexico City after three very long
nights and days there; today we're in Guadalajara for a spell, and
come Friday we're off to Tijuana.
What have I seen? To be honest, it gets hard to remember, and the
handwriting in my backpacked notebook gets worse every day. Mainly,
though, the tally consists of the interiors of a number of hotel
rooms (never for as long as I'd have liked, to be honest at
least, not with my eyes closed), more cabs and vans than I'd like to
count, a handful of galleries and museums, several top-notch
restaurants reveling in full dilapidated glory, and one dance club
where stone-faced bouncers checked every crevice of our backpacks and
DJ bags apparently they used to have a little gun problem
there. Mexico City, after all.
To be sure, the tour's had its disappointments. The MUTEK
contingent's performances a range of laptop techno, battered
ambiance, and audio-visual flare from the likes of Akufen, Deadbeat,
Tim Hecker, Skolts Kogen, Egg, Champion, The Mole, Mike Shannon, and
guest Sutekh were roundly impressive, a measure of the state
of Montreal's electronic music community and its rapid evolution. But
in Mexico City, at least, it was difficult to get a fix on the state
of the art here. A 19-year-old named Plug turned out a promising set
of minimal techno that hinted at affinities with Dimbiman, and
Manrico Montero, Arthur Henry Fork, and Ghiz tapped microsound's
global energy in their own sets of click, drone, and noise. But from
other performers, whose identities blurred in a fizz of digital buzz,
there were sub-par ambient excursions and adequate but hardly
innovative takes on minimal techno. It's premature for me to make a
definitive take on Mexico City's electronic music scene while
there I was handed a number of CDs, some highly recommended by
trusted sources but for a city of 20-something million people,
there appeared to be less activity than previous reports had led me
to believe. The final all-night party, featuring a dozen Montreal
artists and seven from Mexico, attracted only a thousand or so people.
++ In the end, though, maybe my disappointment is more personal,
stemming from a strange sense of in-betweenness. I travel a lot
South Africa three weeks ago, New York after that, Portland,
Ore. and Chile coming up in January but this business of
following the music has me slipping through countries like a sneaky
kid skipping over turnstyles. Between the clubs and Internet
cafés, I miss out on the cities themselves, and in the attempt
to soak up a few drops of culture while mopping off a forehead
slick with jetlag, long hours of preparation, and a few too many
micheladas the music wisps away as soon as the laptops are
shut and the lights go up.
Or maybe I'm just stymied by the totalizing urge the desire to
pull together a story that encompasses Mexico City's dilapidated
glory, gun-toting bodyguards, divine servings of garlic soup, artists
accidentally dosed with E-tainted bottled water, long conversations
with local contacts like the sound operator who recounted tales of
field-recording expeditions in the '70s, on which he visited rural
villages to document their age-old sounds, slept on dirt floors and
took peyote with the inhabitants. Now he could tell a tale. For me,
maybe it's just too much, too soon; perhaps the instantaneousness of
digital photos and Internet communications fools us into thinking we
can process everything immediately. Maybe I just need to get off this
keyboard and drink another michelada.
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